Thank you for answering the call and applying to be a Catechist! It is a true gift to share your faith with the youth. We are grateful for your fire and zeal for the Lord!
We are in need of Head Catechists, Assistant Catechists, RE support and Subs for all grades. Classes are on Wednesday's from 4:45pm-6pm and Sundays 3pm-4:30pm during the 2024/25 school year.
Head Catechist- The head Catechist is responsible for the majority of teaching and all lesson planning for weekly Religious Education Classes. We will ask all head catechists to attend every catechist training. These trainings will be built into the calendar and will take place instead of RE.
Assistant Catechist- Assistant Catechists will aid the Head Catechist in teaching, classroom management, and activities
RE Support- RE Support will help Faith Formation Staff keep things running smoothly during RE. Support will make copies, help students find their rooms, aid Catechists when needed, and help with pick-up/drop off.
RE Subs- Occasionally a catechist is unable to make class. We will send out an email requesting the help of RE subs when we are short handed. RE Subs will aid the Head Catechist in teaching, classroom management and activities.
We are in need of Head Catechists, Assistant Catechists, RE support and Subs for all grades. Classes are on Wednesday's from 4:45pm-6pm and Sundays 3pm-4:30pm during the 2024/25 school year.
Head Catechist- The head Catechist is responsible for the majority of teaching and all lesson planning for weekly Religious Education Classes. We will ask all head catechists to attend every catechist training. These trainings will be built into the calendar and will take place instead of RE.
Assistant Catechist- Assistant Catechists will aid the Head Catechist in teaching, classroom management, and activities
RE Support- RE Support will help Faith Formation Staff keep things running smoothly during RE. Support will make copies, help students find their rooms, aid Catechists when needed, and help with pick-up/drop off.
RE Subs- Occasionally a catechist is unable to make class. We will send out an email requesting the help of RE subs when we are short handed. RE Subs will aid the Head Catechist in teaching, classroom management and activities.